Analyst Coverage
List of analysts at securities companies and research companies who make analysis reports on our performance, etc.
As of March 2025
- CLSA Securities Japan Co., Ltd.
- Kazue Yanagisawa
- Ichiyoshi Research Institute Inc.
- Masatoshi Nagata
- Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd.
- Motoya Kohtani
- Nomura Securities Co., Ltd.
- Takahiro Mori
- Okasan Securities Co., Ltd.
- Toshiharu Morota
- SMBC Nikko Securities Inc.
- Shinnosuke Tokumoto
- Companies are listed in alphabetical order.
- This list is based on the information currently available and the list may therefore be subject to change as the firms add or delete coverage of the Company.
- We provide this list solely for the purpose of facilitating investor identification of the analysts who examine and make forecasts on the Company’s performance and the organizations they belong to, and thus does not intend to invite or advise anyone to buy or sell the Company's stock.
- We do not imply its endorsement of or concurrence with any forecasts, opinions, recommendations and other information provided by the analysts.
- Please note that the use of, or reliance on, these reports when making actual investment decisions is at the risk of the individual.